

You need to install rrdtool. You can find it at: Note that to use the RRDs Perl module you must use the following command to compile the distribution:

        make site-perl-install


You also need sar to collect statistics. Sar is part of the sysstat package. You can find it here: If you plan to use threshold notification you must have Net::SMTP installed. It can be found on CPAN (

Perl modules

Since release 5.0 sysusage can be run in a central place to collect remote sysusage statistics using ssh. The remote calls are proceed simultaneously using fork and the Proc::Queue Perl module.

If you're plan tu use sysusagegraph instead of sysusagejqgrpah you will also need the GD and GD::Graph3D Perl modules.

All these modules are always available from CPAN ( and may at least be installed on the central server. On remote host this is optional and depend if you want to run it on each server or by ssh from a central place.

Nagios nsca client (optional)

If you want to send message to Nagios you need to install nsca-2.7.2.tar.gz or a more recent version. You can get it here:

hddtemp and sensors (optional)

If you want to monitor your hard drive temperature you must install a small utility called hddtemp. You can download it from Run it to see if your hard drive have a temperature sensor.

You can also use sensors to monitor your cpu temperature and fan speed. If you harware support it run sensors-detect and load the required kernel modules at boot time.


Quick install

Simply run the following commands:

        perl Makefile.PL
        make && make install

By default it will copy the perl programs into /usr/local/sysusage/bin and the HTML output will be done to /var/www/htdocs/sysusage/. The configuration file is /usr/local/sysusage/etc/sysusage.cfg and all RRD Bekerley DB databases from rrdtool will be saved under /usr/local/sysusage/rrdfiles.

If you plan to run sysusage on different servers from a central place you may just want to install the rsysusage Perl script on remote hosts. Proceed as follow:

        perl Makefile.PL REMOTE=1
	make && make install

It will copy the only the rsysusage into /usr/local/sysusage/bin and the configuration file under /usr/local/sysusage/etc/sysusage.cfg. The RRD data directory will be created under /usr/local/sysusage/rrdfiles but just to hold the *.cnt files relatives to the count of alert attempt on threshold exceed.

Note that you need to configure a passwordless SSH connexion between the central server and all the remote host by installing the user certificat.

Custom install

You can overwrite all install path with the following Makefile.PL arguments. Here are the default values:


For example on a RedHat System you may prefer install SysUsage as this:

        perl Makefile.PL \
		BINDIR=/usr/bin \
		CONFDIR=/etc \
		PIDDIR=/var/run \
                BASEDIR=/var/lib/sysusage \
		HTMLDIR=/var/www/html/sysusage \
                MANDIR=/usr/man/man1 \

If you are installing sysusage on a host that will be call by ssh from a central place, you may want to install just what is necessary and not more:

        perl Makefile.PL BINDIR=/usr/bin CONFDIR=/etc PIDDIR=/var/run \
		MANDIR=/usr/man/man1 DOCDIR=/usr/share/doc/sysusage \

This will just install the rsysusage Perl script, the configuration file and documentation. So that you don't need to install extra Perl modules and other graphics related things.

Package/binary install

In directory packaging/ you will find all scripts to build RPM, slackBuild and debian package. See README in this directory to know how to build these packages.

Previous version

Previous version used to ask a lot of questions during install, this was removed since version 3.0 to the benefice of simplicity and a default configuration file.

Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Gilles Darold - All rights reserved. (GPL v3).

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